
First of all, I apologize; perhaps I'm attempting to use Biab 2024 in a way that wasn't intended.

My goal, when I bought the program, was to use my own melody and have the software provide the accompaniment for me automatically.
I started by just humming a voice recording on an audio. It was unsuccessful. My fault; I read the handbook and it’s not the way. I realized that I required the melody in a midi format in some way.
I therefore used another piece of software called Dubler 2, which gave me the ability to hum and produce a midi melody.
After I got the midi file, I tried a few different approaches, but I was never able to get the program to add an accompaniment to my melody.
Firstly, I click Melody and importing a midi file. Then I just press OK: Source and Target are melody (there is one channel only).
After that, I have five instrument tracks visible in addition to my midi file, Atmosphere: channel 1, when I use Eagles style. I can hear the melody midi file if I hit the play button. The soloist, which is blank, is visible below, but the melody track is not visible.
After that, I select Melodist-Generate Melody and Chords, and I turn off Melody in the pop-up window that appears because it makes sense that, should I have one, I wouldn't want a new melody.
Then, The song begins and I notice a lot of chords in the window. However, to my surprise, Atmosphere: channel one is silent (the midi file). All I can hear is the bass, Elec. piano, drums, guitar, and strings tracks. Atmosphere, the sixth, appears to be empty. When I hit "Solo," nothing happens.
To sum up,
Is it feasible to receive a midi accompaniment for my melody?
If yes, what am I doing incorrectly?
I appreciate your assistance.

David Navarro

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
Biab1.png (933.65 KB, 0 downloads)
Biab2.png (47.71 KB, 14 downloads)
Biab3.png (743.6 KB, 0 downloads)
Biab4.png (295.03 KB, 14 downloads)
Biab5.png (912.82 KB, 0 downloads)